Sunday, 23 November 2014

Doctor Who Project

Its been an interesting 12 months for Doctor Who. We've had the departure of Matt Smith, we've had the debut of Peter Capaldi and we've even had a female version of The Master. With that said I am in the process of converting a little box room in my flat to a sort of tribute to Doctor Who. It will house all of my Doctor Who collection and memorabilia. I understand that whilst my collection might be relatively small compared to some people's, it will be added to over the coming months.
I will be posting updates (hopefully) on a weekly basis,  with photos etc. At the moment the room has been painted Tardis blue (or as close to). 
I will also be posting updates when I add to my collection. Any suggestions would be welcome and I cannot wait to share with all of you this little journey as it unfolds. Its been a long time coming and to be honest I should have done it when I moved in, but hey ho that's the way the cookie crumbles. My wife thinks I'm mad, but I'm not. I'm just passionate about Doctor Who and want to share my passion with other fellow Whovians.

Until next time.


Sunday, 9 November 2014

The End of Doctor Who!!!

So with the finale of series 8 of Doctor Who airing yesterday I give my thoughts on the episode and the series as a whole.
Were you satisfied with Death in Heaven or do you wish Doctor Who would just die a death? I thought that Death in Heaven left more questions than it gave answers. Why did the Master regenerate? How did Danny Pink get converted in to a Cyberman when he was lying on a morgue table? Since when do the Cybermen fly? The list could go on and on.
I thought the episode was a train wreck. I wasn't at all emotionally engaged. I was like a Cyberman, no emotion what so ever. I've been on the edge of my seat with previous series finales. Take Army of Ghosts and Doomsday for example. I was gripped from start to finish. With Death in Heaven I could care less. It is my opinion that it was a badly written episode that trampled over Doctor Who lore and history. It was a disrespectful attempt to try and freshen up the show. Steven Moffat turned the Brigadier into a Cyberman. He gave the Cybermen the ability to fly (and by the way I am now dubbbing them Cyironmen).
This has been by far the weakest series of Doctor Who since it returned to our screens nearly 10 years a go, but Peter Capaldi is an absolute fantastic incarnation of our favourite Time Lord. Its just a shame that he didn't get many good episodes. I think Steven Moffat should pass the Doctor Who head writing duties over now and let somebody else have a crack at the whip (I'm hoping its Mark Gatiss). The stand out episodes for me were Into The Dalek, Robots of Sherwood, Listen, The Caretaker and Flatline. Lets hope that series 9 (that is rumoured to start filming in January) is much better and returns Doctor Who to its former glory.
Let me know your thoughts. What did you think of series 8? Are you looking forward to the Christmas special? And what do you want to see in series 9?

Until next time


Sunday, 2 November 2014

The Master Returns (sorry I meant Mistress)

Hopefully you've all seen the 1st episode of the 2 part finale to series 8 of Doctor Who? Guess what? The Master has returned, albeit as a female version of the fan favourite villainous renegade time Lord. So how did you react to this revelation? The majority of Whovians had already sussed this out right from the start, myself included. Am I glad the Master is back? Well yes I am, but am I happy that The Moff has tampered with the fabric of reality and turned the Master into a female? The answer would be NO as it happens, I'm not.
Let me explain. The Master is a well established character and has been played by 6 male actors.

In my mind male time lords shouldn't be able to regenerate in to female time lords. It should be anatomically impossible. Maybe I'm reading too deep in to this and maybe I should just get over it.  Now this isn't anything to do with being sexist etc and I'm all for change, but what gives Steven Moffat the right to change the history of Doctor Who? In 50 years of Doctor Who no other time lord has changed gender, so why start now?
This was the perfect opportunity to bring back The Rani. She was another renegade time lord/time lady and hasn't been seen since the Children In Need charity special Dimensions In Time. Even better The Moff could have created a new character to pit against The Doctor.
I'm hoping that this is a double bluff, but I have a feeling that it wont be. What are your thoughts? Are you happy The Master is now female? Let me know in the comments section below. I will definitely be doing a complete series 8 round up next week after the finale so stay tuned.
Until next week folks.
