Thursday, 24 September 2015

The 10th Doctor & Donna are BACK!!! (so to speak)

Hello fellow Whovians and welcome back to another edition of my blog. I have some very exciting news, especially if your a 10th Doctor fan, because its being reported by Blogtor Who that David Tennant and Catherine Tate are going to be reprising their roles as the 10th Doctor and Donna Noble respectively in some brand new Big Finish audio adventures. Nothing is official just yet, but expect an announcement from Big Finsh very soon. In case you didn't know Big Finish recently acquired the rights to everything Doctor Who post 2005 and they have officially announced that classic Doctors will be squaring up agsinst new monsters like the Weeping Angels and the Judoon to name, but a few. To read more about this then please click the following link

In other news its been announced today by Al Dewar of Character Options (the company that make the Doctor Who figures) that they will be releasing not 1, but 2 5.5 inch Missy figures. This is exciting news for collectors as fans have been wanting a Missy figure ever since she graced our screens last year in series 8. To see the announcement by Al please click the following link

Are you excited for any of the above? Sound off in the comment section below.

Until next time

Who Fan

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Series 9, Episode 1 - The Magicians Apprentice Review

Hello fellow Whovians and welcome back to another addition of my blog here on Who Fan. Well it’s been over 24 hours since The Magicians Apprentice aired and phew, what a ride. I have to say that it was the best series opener since the series 6 episode ‘The Impossible Astronaut’. It was crammed packed full of ‘stuff’ and I’m glad it’s a 2 part story, because there is no way they could have done it as one episode.
The episode begins on Skaro during a war that I can only assume is between the Kaleds and the Thals (for you who don’t know what that war is then please watch the 1st ever Dalek story featuring William Hartnell, ‘The Daleks’). We see a young boy on the battle field alone and shouting for help surrounded by hand mines. Cue the Doctor. We soon learn that this young boy is Davros and the Doctor has a terrible decision to make. Should he save the boy or leave him to die.
Peter Capaldi’s performance as The Doctor was outstanding and you can quite clearly see that he looks comfortable in the role now after already having one series at the helm of the Tardis and yes that really was Peter Capaldi playing the guitar whilst riding a tank, epic. The big talking point of the episode was obviously the return of Davros and I predicted that the little boy at the start was a young Davros, but it was hardly surprising as that was the rumour already doing the rounds and it was nice to see Julian Bleach return to the role too as his performance as Davros from series 4 was, as the 9th Doctor would say, fantastic.
There were also several other returns worth a mention as well. We saw The Shadow Proclamation and the Judoon,  The Sisterhood of Karn and right at the start when Colony Sarff was looking for The Doctor he went into a bar and we had cameo appearances from an Ood, a Sycorax warrior, a Hath and a Blowfish (see if you can spot them). Oh and yes I almost forgot. Do you remember the Red Supreme Dalek from series 4? He also returned along with Dalek Sec (presumably), Special Weapons Dalek and various Daleks from the 60’s.
The most shocking part of the episode was seeing Missy and Clara get exterminated and also seeing the Tardis getting blown to smithereens. Now its ok Jenna Coleman isn’t leaving this soon into series 9, because we all know that she is in other episodes, so there’s no need to mourn just yet.
The episode ends just as it started. The Doctor and a young Davros pleading for the Doctors help to save him from the hand mines, except this time the Doctor pulls out some sort of weapon and bang the credits role and we have to wait until next week to find out if he actually kills Davros and prevents the Daleks from ever being created.
All in all it was a brilliant episode and if this is a sign of things to come then this series will shape up to be one of the best we have had in a long time.
The picture right at the top of this article was created by Stuart Manning and just like series 8 he will be creating retro movie style posters for every episode of series 9. These can be purchased from Big Chief studios website by clicking on this link Please go and check them out, you won’t be disappointed.
What did you think of the series 9 opening episode? Let me know in the comments section below.
 Until next time Whovians

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Series 9 and more!!!

Series 9

Hello fellow Whovians and welcome to another blog by me, Andy. There are only 6 days to go until Series 9 starts (or less depending on when you're reading this) and I am so, so excited. Not a lot is known about this series, but we do know that Missy is returning in the first two episodes as well as the Daleks and speaking of Daleks, if you've seen the trailer and I'm guessing you have then you will have noticed that we have a few familiar Daleks returning. We have the red Supreme Dalek from series 4, Dalek Sec is also returning, the Special Weapons Dalek is returning and so are the classic Daleks from the 60's and they appear to have had an upgrade, as they now have glowing eyestalks like their bronze counterparts. UNIT are also returning along with Kate Stewart and Osgood, but I am assuming she is the Zygon version as they are also returning and Osgood died in series 8. What are you looking forward too from the trailers and clips you have seen? Let me know in the comments section below.

Huge Series 9 Rumour


There are many rumours surrounding this new series and I want to talk about the most intriguing one that I have come across. Now please take this with a massive pinch of salt, but there is speculation that David Tennant and Paul McGann will be appearing in the series finale as the 10th and 8th Doctor respectively. Somebody who knows somebody who works on Doctor Who down in Cardif has reported that The Doctor and Clara will be in some sort of catacombs on Gallifrey and they come to the tombs of the Timelords where past incarnations are buried/stored and that's where we see 10 and 8. Now as I said take this with a massive pinch of salt. We'll find out soon enough, but here is a link to the article I read As a massive 10th Doctor fanboy I really hope this is true.

New Doctor Who Merchandise

Finally we have a 5 inch 12th Doctor figure to add to our collections, no wait actually there are 2 available and you can purchase them now at Forbidden Planet International by following these links and I think the polka dot shirt figure is brilliant and I will be purchasing one for myself and in case you had forgotten he wore this outfit in Kill the Moon.
In other merch news we also have a new flight control Tardis on the way based on the 12th Doctor's Tardis and it will be available to order from Toys R' Us in about 4 weeks time, so watch this space.

Coming Up In The World Of Who Fan

With series 9 starting very soon I wanted to let you all know what is coming up in the world of Who Fan. When the series starts I will be live tweeting throughout each episode and when each episode has finished I will be filming an episode review to post on YouTube. You are more than welcome to join in with the live tweeting and can do so by following me on twitter here To view my Doctor Who related video content you can subscribe to my YouTube channel here and I am also on Instagram and to follow me on there just click this link

Well that's it for this blog people. Thanks for reading and until next time, cheers.

Who Fan

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Whats been going on in the world of Who Fan & Doctor Who

Hey guys and welcome to another, but well over due edition of my blog. I apologise that its been so long since my last blog, but you have no idea how long and tedious it is to type up a blog on a smart phone lol. Good news though I now have a laptop, so it will be quicker and easier to actually do these blogs, YAY. Now then down to business. I want to bring you all up to speed with all that will be happening over the next few weeks and months in the world of Who Fan.

Exciting Things Coming Up!!!
Now as you all may have heard Doctor Who is returning on 19th September for its 9th series and when that returns I will be live tweeting during every episode and after every episode has aired I will be doing a review of the episodes and the reviews will be uploaded to my youTube channel. I will put links to both my twitter account and my youTube channel at the bottom of this blog.
If you thought that was all then you'd be wrong, because I will also be uploading other Doctor Who related content to my youTube channel which will include product reviews, convention reports and the latest news and rumours. I am committed to this project for the foreseeable future and will do my best to provide you the fans with all the best quality content and it will be entertaining and engaging (hopefully). But, but, but, but, but, that's not all, because I will be running the occasional competition and there will be a whole host of things up for grabs like DVD box sets, figures and much, much, more. The whole point of this project is to get more Doctor Who fans connected and talking about the show they love and have loved for many years, young or old. I am doing all of this in my spare time and I don't get paid for doing this either. I am doing this purely because of my passion for Doctor Who.
Anyway now I have gotten all of that out of the way lets have a look what's been happening in the world of Who.

Series 9

We haven't got long to go now until the new series starts and the new trailer dropped a few days a go and OMG how flipping epic was it? This series is shaping up to be the best series we have had in a long time. We will see the return of the red supreme Dalek, who was last seen being blown to smithereens aboard the crucible during the series 4 episode "The Journeys End". We will see 60s Daleks and the Special Weapons Dalek also making a return.
There have been rumours that David Tennant will be returning for a small role in one episode, because he was spotted in Cardiff whilst the Doctor Who production team were allegedly filming an episode set in Pompeii and as you may recall the 10th Doctor visited Pompeii in the series 4 episode "The Fires of Pompeii". This episode also featured Peter Capaldi, so eagle eyed Doctor Who fans have put 2 and 2 together, but I would take this rumour with a pinch of salt to be honest, as much as I'd like it to be true. If you haven't already checked the trailer out or if your like me and you want to watch it over and over again you can do so by clicking the video below.

Doctor Who Festival 13th - 15th November

I am excited to announce that I will be attending the Doctor Who festival on the 14th November and I cannot wait. This will be my first time at the Excel Arena and to be honest my first time in London, so I am extremely excited. I will be filming a video there and doing a full round up of everything that goes on throughout the day.
Who else is going and if you are what are you most looking forward to?

Well peeps that is it for this blog. Thank you very much for reading and don't forget to follow me on twitter and please subscribe to my youTube channel for more exciting content coming your way in the near future. The links to both will be below.

Until next time.


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Exciting Things Happening In 2015

So the new year is upon us (OK so I'm a bit late) and we already have a ton of stuff going on the the world of Doctor Who. This year marks the 10th anniversary since the Doctor and the Tardis returned to our screens and what a triumphant return it was. The new show was headed up by the brilliant Russell T Davies and the newest incarnation of the Doctor was played by the 'fantastic' (pun intended) Christopher Eccleston, with Billie Piper playing his new companion Rose Tyler. 2005 also saw the Return of the Doctor's greatest enemy (as voted by you the fans) the Daleks and how could Doctor Who return without the Daleks?
Well you see this almost happened, because you see the BBC doesn't own the rights to the Daleks, but thankfully the BBC managed to come to an arrangement that meant they could indeed appear again to terrorise the Doctor and the universe. Sadly fellow Whovians Russell T Davies has recently stated that he "isn't going to be involved in any sort of 10th anniversary celebrations of any kind" as he feels that "it would confuse matters since we've not long had the 50th anniversary", which kinda makes sense. When asked if he would return to Doctor Who he said "every year Steven asks me, but I've moved on from Doctor Who now and I'm concentrating on my own stuff".

In other Who news, Jenna Louise Coleman is now staying on as Clara for series 9 at least as she feels Clara and the Doctor have unfinished business. The first episode of series 9 will be titled 'The Magician's Apprentice' and I'm theorise that has something to do with Clara joining the Doctor again as a full time companion in the Tardis. The Doctor being the Magician and Clara being the apprentice.
This year is set to be big for me and the world of WhoFan86. I already have a YouTube channel ready to start uploading Doctor Who related content including news, product reviews, episode reviews, video diaries, convention visits etc and I also have a WhoFan86 twitter feed to keep everybody updated with the latest goings on in the world of Doctor Who. Eventually I will be running the occasional competition with prizes so keep a look out for those. I will put a link to my twitter feed and my YouTube channel below. Please feel free to subscribe and follow for all the latest Doctor Who info. Thanks for reading and until next time.


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