Sunday, 16 August 2015

Whats been going on in the world of Who Fan & Doctor Who

Hey guys and welcome to another, but well over due edition of my blog. I apologise that its been so long since my last blog, but you have no idea how long and tedious it is to type up a blog on a smart phone lol. Good news though I now have a laptop, so it will be quicker and easier to actually do these blogs, YAY. Now then down to business. I want to bring you all up to speed with all that will be happening over the next few weeks and months in the world of Who Fan.

Exciting Things Coming Up!!!
Now as you all may have heard Doctor Who is returning on 19th September for its 9th series and when that returns I will be live tweeting during every episode and after every episode has aired I will be doing a review of the episodes and the reviews will be uploaded to my youTube channel. I will put links to both my twitter account and my youTube channel at the bottom of this blog.
If you thought that was all then you'd be wrong, because I will also be uploading other Doctor Who related content to my youTube channel which will include product reviews, convention reports and the latest news and rumours. I am committed to this project for the foreseeable future and will do my best to provide you the fans with all the best quality content and it will be entertaining and engaging (hopefully). But, but, but, but, but, that's not all, because I will be running the occasional competition and there will be a whole host of things up for grabs like DVD box sets, figures and much, much, more. The whole point of this project is to get more Doctor Who fans connected and talking about the show they love and have loved for many years, young or old. I am doing all of this in my spare time and I don't get paid for doing this either. I am doing this purely because of my passion for Doctor Who.
Anyway now I have gotten all of that out of the way lets have a look what's been happening in the world of Who.

Series 9

We haven't got long to go now until the new series starts and the new trailer dropped a few days a go and OMG how flipping epic was it? This series is shaping up to be the best series we have had in a long time. We will see the return of the red supreme Dalek, who was last seen being blown to smithereens aboard the crucible during the series 4 episode "The Journeys End". We will see 60s Daleks and the Special Weapons Dalek also making a return.
There have been rumours that David Tennant will be returning for a small role in one episode, because he was spotted in Cardiff whilst the Doctor Who production team were allegedly filming an episode set in Pompeii and as you may recall the 10th Doctor visited Pompeii in the series 4 episode "The Fires of Pompeii". This episode also featured Peter Capaldi, so eagle eyed Doctor Who fans have put 2 and 2 together, but I would take this rumour with a pinch of salt to be honest, as much as I'd like it to be true. If you haven't already checked the trailer out or if your like me and you want to watch it over and over again you can do so by clicking the video below.

Doctor Who Festival 13th - 15th November

I am excited to announce that I will be attending the Doctor Who festival on the 14th November and I cannot wait. This will be my first time at the Excel Arena and to be honest my first time in London, so I am extremely excited. I will be filming a video there and doing a full round up of everything that goes on throughout the day.
Who else is going and if you are what are you most looking forward to?

Well peeps that is it for this blog. Thank you very much for reading and don't forget to follow me on twitter and please subscribe to my youTube channel for more exciting content coming your way in the near future. The links to both will be below.

Until next time.


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